I have some bad news for you…

There are people who aren’t happy at our church either. It turns out every church has weaknesses and every church is filled with messy people who struggle to love the people around them. That being said, you may genuinely be at a place where you need to change churches. But you also may be at a place where staying and working through the issues will refine and sanctify both you and your church family. Don’t short-circuit the whole body’s chance to grow. God is alive and working in the churches of Auburn, and we want to do our part to facilitate healthy growth. If you are still struggling, here are some reasons that we feel are good and not so good when it comes to leaving a church. Rest assured, these are just our opinions and we will warmly welcome you even if you disagree with our assessment.

I. Not So Good Reasons To Leave A Church

Better Programs and Ministries

Perhaps your church doesn’t have the right ministry that suits your needs. What if you stayed around and helped facilitate? Often, there are too few people doing too much of the work. When you see a weakness in your church, jump in and help.

The Music

Music has divided churches forever. If the words point to God’s glory and Christ’s work, sing loudly no matter the style, the quality, or the instruments used.

“My needs aren’t being met.”

This is a hard one, and in some ways a legitimate concern. We know our leadership team is missing people in our body that we should be helping. But what would happen if you showed up to your church looking for those, like you, who weren’t being ministered to and then found ways to minister to them?

II. Better Reasons to Leave A Church


If its impossible to live life with any of your fellow church members, you might want to look for a church closer to where you live. This is quite possibly the best reason for switching churches.


Perhaps your church is straying into error and not faithfully teaching the central truths of Scripture. If you have addressed this and received no response, it might be time to leave.

Church Peace

Relationships are hard and sometimes peace seems impossible. If you are in the way of peace at your church or too burdened and fatigued to pursue it, it may be time to explore moving to a different church.

If you do decide to switch churches please make that decision after much prayer. Then, do your best to communicate honestly with your pastor and make every effort to restore any broken relationships. On your way out, work hard to prevent any division and gossip that may rise up as you leave. Point out how God has used the church in your life and thank those who had a part in that. God loves us in spite of our mistakes and failings so we can extend the same attitude toward those we have disagreements with.