If you’re in a spot where you’re beginning to consider the claims of Christianity, we’d love to be a part of your journey. Maybe you’re reflecting back on what you were taught as a child or wrestling with doubts about your current beliefs. Or maybe you’re opening the Bible for the first time. Regardless, God is faithful to meet us when we begin to honestly seek him.

In starting down this road, there are countless questions that could be asked and tons of different rabbit trails you could go down. As important as some of these might be, the essential and ultimate issue is the person and work of Jesus Christ. This is where we’d encourage you to start. Pick up a Bible, choose one of the gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John), and simply ask the questions “who is Jesus?” and “what did he come to do?”

Depending on what you feel ready for, we’d love to be a part of this process. Just reach out and we’ll find some time to sit down with you and help you explore what the Bible says about Jesus.

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The Basics:

In its essence the Bible is a story of redemption. Deep down we know this is our need. We see it the brokenness of our world. We feel it in the mess of our relationships. We know it in the guilt of our own selfishness and sin. We can’t fix this. We can’t be good enough or religious enough or hard-working enough.

Yet, in his astounding grace, God took the initiative to rescue us by sending his Son, Jesus Christ, to take on flesh and become one of us. He lived the life we should have lived, died the death we should have died, and rose again to the new life we were made for. He did all of this for us, as our substitute.

All who turn to him, rely on him, and cling to him in trust are saved. They are declared righteous, reconciled to God, made new and adopted as his beloved children. God’s Spirit now dwells in them, making them more like Jesus, and working through them to accomplish God’s work on earth. One day Jesus will return to complete this work, to make everything new so that God’s children might live in the joy of his presence for all eternity.

This message of redemption through Jesus is the best, most joyous news in the world. We hope you take time to thoroughly explore it. Here are several resources that we think you might find helpful in this:

Who is Jesus? by Greg Gilbert (book)

The Christian Gospel by Tony Payne (book)

The Story (online pamphlet)

Two Ways to Live (website/app)


We live in a day where it’s often assumed that the Bible has been proven to be false, full of myths, and even morally suspect. And, it’s true, the Bible does make some radical claims and lays out some very counter-cultural perspectives. However, we don’t think this should stop you from investigating what is says though. After all, the God that you’re rejecting may not be the God who has revealed himself in Scripture. What’s more, we have to admit that any God big enough to be worth worshiping will probably not fit all of our personal preferences. On closer inspection, you may find that the true God is far different and far more beautiful than you initially thought. We’d encourage you to take another look. After all, we’re talking about questions of eternity, the supreme God of the universe, and our own meaning as human beings.

As you consider Christianity and its validity, here are some books and websites we’d recommend checking out. Chances are someone else has had the same questions you have and has given careful thought to answering them.

The Reason for God by Tim Keller (book)

Why God Makes Sense in a World That Doesn’t by Gavin Ortlund (book)

Confronting Christianity by Rebecca McGlaughlin (book)

Be Thinking (website)

The Case for Christ by Lee Stroebel (book)